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Being an educator in the Biloxi community means having access to library resources at the palm of your hand.


What better way to ensure that you have the supplementary materials that your classroom needs than to be apart of the conversation that informs your local library what those needs may be?


Help us bridge the gap between learning and literacy by joining our efforts today!



Biloxi Families Reading Together

The families we serve are paving the way to a brighter future for their children. In that, we encourage our families to take part in the many opportunities our libraries offer to instill a love of literacy.


Each of the libraries we assist provide Early Literacy programs that add light and laughter to the library environment that is impossible to find elsewhere.

Support Your Biloxi Libraries

As a Community Sponsor, your involvement with us in our efforts to expand our reach will facilitate a literacy legacy in Biloxi, Mississippi!


We aim to provide our sponsors with an additional avenue of advertisement by reaching our audiences. Not only does your collaboration with us benefit our cause, it also benefits our coastal community.


To become a Community Sponsor, you can donate, volunteer on behalf of an organization, or become a member!

Biloxi Educators Reading To Students
Biloxi Organizations Supporting Friends of the Biloxi Libraries
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